Welcome ExplorerSoldierRangerPirateTraderSmugglerPlayer !

This guide is designed to take you from a completely vanilla Starfield experience to a fully modded game in all facets.

Today, the above statement isn’t entirely accurate, Starfield modding is just getting started, but it is the goal. It’s safe to assume that when the guide is eventually finished, it will take time to install, and require a fair bit of space. This guide also involves some fairly advanced modding concepts. It is strongly suggested that you take some time to read through the full guide and get acquainted with the tools you will be using before actually getting started. Expect the process to take several sessions, but remember the goal is to play the game and enjoy it.

You must pay attention and follow instructions throughout the guide. The vast majority of issues you will run into are user error, though I am far from perfect and the occasional mistake may sneak in. You are free to use the mod list as a base and add or remove things to customize to your tastes, but I strongly advise that you install the complete guide and play-test to ensure stability before adjusting anything.

This guide is meticulously maintained and frequently updated. In its complete form, it is very stable. If you finish the guide and the game doesn’t work, you almost certainly made a mistake.

As this guide is frequently updated, you will eventually have to stop modding and start playing, or you will end up restarting new characters before they can make it past New Atlantis.

With that said, it’s time to get into the delightfully insane world of Bethesda modding!